Countryside Conservancy manages 1,190 acres of lands and waters to protect their conservation value. Most of these acres are open to the public for visitation, and many have trails. Collectively, we contribute 10 miles of singletrack hiking & biking trails to the 30-mile Lackawanna State Park/ Countryside Conservancy Trail System. We thank our many volunteers, especially the Lackawanna State Park Trail Crew, for the countless hours they have put in on trail construction and maintenance!
Follow the links below for maps of trails on Conservancy lands or Download the Trailforks Mobile App for a trail guide at your fingertips.
Please note that Conservancy trails are for non-motorized use only
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Ziegler & Gardner Spencer Preserve Trails – (1 mile loop trail from Ziegler parking area that connects to 2.6 miles of trail on GSP, and also connects to Lackawanna State Park’s Bull Hill Trail)
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Countryside Conservancy Preserves