Countryside Conservancy 30 Years

Countryside Conservancy

protecting & connecting greenspace for the public benefit, now and for future generations.


Countryside Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit land trust committed to protecting and connecting greenspace in and near the Tunkhannock Creek watershed for the public benefit, now and for future generations.


Countryside Conservancy uses two forms of protected lands: preserves and conservation easements. Preserves are lands owned by the Conservancy and managed to protect their conservation values. Conservation easements are legal agreements between the Conservancy and private landowners. To date, Countryside has permanently protected more than 2,500 acres from development in Lackawanna, Susquehanna & Wyoming counties.


Trails are a simple yet profound way of getting people into the outdoor environment—getting them out of buildings and cars, into a place where they can smell water, touch leaves, hear birds, and feel the wind on their skin. Countryside Conservancy promotes trails for their benefits in getting people in touch with nature.


Countryside Conservancy manages 1,190 acres of lands and waters to protect their conservation value. Most of these acres are open to the public for visitation, and many have trails. We thank our many volunteers, especially the Lackawanna State Park Trail Crew, for the countless hours they have put in on trail construction and maintenance!

Countryside Conservancy Preserves